




MarryHealth Enterprises(Chongqing)Inc. is the operation center of MarryHealth Enterprises North America Inc. located in Vancouver, Canada. The company focuses on population health and is cooperated by top international investors in healthcare industry, professional healthcare management team and expertise in health products research and development. It is an integrated high-tech enterprise that includes research, production, sales and proxy in digital medical services, hospital informatics system, healthcare management, health products, clinical nutrition supplement, functional foods and medical instruments. The operation center in Chongqing is a start-up company in Greater China (Mainland of China, Hongkong, Macao) with a huge potential. We welcome all the young people with ambitions to join us! We will provide you: 1.Great career development path 2.Competitive salaries 3. Comprehensive employee benefits 4.Paid annual leave 5.Comfortable working environment 6.Global training opportunities 7. Option or stocks for outstanding employee Our company has a top international health management program MCL: Medical Supervision for Cancer Patients’ Healthy Lifestyle. MCL manages the lifestyle of cancer patients through their nutrition, diet, exercises and psychology from a medical perspective, in order to decrease their medical cost, ease the symptoms, reduce drug dependence, decrease the toxicity of drugs, and even avoid surgeries. MCL targets cancer patients who are at pre-surgery, post-surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment phase, and post-treatment period, cooperating hospitals, healthcare organizations and families to provide a new life with new energy to cancer patients. MCL program has already been implemented in China, and we welcome all the outstanding individuals with resources, experiences, skills and backgrounds to join and promote this program to the next level!   美睿健康产业(重庆)有限公司是加拿大北美美睿健康产业集团(MarryHealth Enterprises North America Inc.)在大中华区的运营中心。 北美美睿位于加拿大温哥华,是一家专注于人类健康的大型产业集团。有国际一流的健康产业投资人、健康管理专业团队、健康产品研发及生产行业的专家共同投资组建,是专业从事全球健康产业投资与兼并重组,集互联网医疗、医院信息化系统、生命健康管理、健康产品、临床营养补充剂、功能性食品及医疗器械的研发、生产、销售及代理与一体的高新科技企业。 重庆公司目前处于在中国大中华地区(包括大陆\香港\澳门)的创业期,公司发展空间巨大,诚招广大有志青年加入! 加入我们,我们将为您提供: 1、良好的职业发展通道; 2、行业极具竞争力的薪酬福利待遇; 3、完善的福利保障; 4、带薪年休假; 5、舒适的办公环境; 6、国外学习培训交流机会; 7、优秀人才将获得期权股权。    公司目前拥有国际一流的健康管理项目MCL项目:Medical Supervision for Cancer Patients'Healthy Lifestyle 即肿瘤患者生活方式全程医学管理。MCL是用医学的方式从营养,饮食,运动,心理等多方面管理肿瘤患者的日常生活,让肿瘤患者花费少,效果好,减轻症状,减少长期对药物的依赖,有效降低药物的毒副作用,少做手术甚至不做手术!MCL是针对肿瘤患者术前,术后,放化疗期间和已完成抗肿瘤治疗的潜在治愈者,带瘤生存和处于疾病缓解,观察期的肿瘤患者,结合“医院,机构,家庭”共同给予患者全程生活方式医学管理,为患者注入新的活力,锻造并赋予生命以崭新的面貌!此项目现已落地成型,现欢迎全国各地有资源,有技术,有经验,有背景的人加入,并将此项目推广,在全国落地开花!





