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  • 2020-12-28发布

西门子数字化工业 Sales100 销售培训生 南宁 (职位编号:221606) 面议

广西壮族自治区-南宁市工作经验:无要求学历:本科 浏览数:72投递数:4


Job Description 西门子数字化工业Sales100销售培训生 南宁职位引言Introduction您希望成为销售与技术服务领域的精英人才吗?我们邀你加入Sales 100西门子销售培训生项目。在各业务区域、运营公司、培训机构和西门子管理学院的协作之下,我们将为你提供为期18个月产品培训、工程实践及销售实践等培训内容,与众多年轻的小伙伴们一起,在充满活力与学习氛围的环境中共同成长,以此实现专业的职业发展。从2005年起, 我们已成功举办了十几期Sales100西门子销售培训生项目,上百名培训生在毕业后加入了销售和技术支持前沿的工作,有一些已经走上管理岗位。Sales 100是打造专业人才的平台,你能够在这里获得知识、增长技能、积累人脉 ,更能与我们一同创造数字化工业时代。Do you want to be elite in sales and application engineers? Then please don‘t hesitate to join in Siemens Sales 100 Trainee Program which will give you a wonderful platform with systematical 18 months’ training in industrial products , project execution, and sales practices supported by dedicated training organization ,operation companies, business regions and Siemens learning campus. Here, you will start a journey full of energy and learning culture with young peers to accomplish processional career development.Over 200 graduates have completed the program since its launch in 2005 and many of them have become top sales or engineers, team leaders and managers. Through Sales 100, you will not only gain solid knowledge, improve your skills but also help to build up business network. And let’s embrace and build up the industry digital world together here at Siemens.想了解更多Sales100日常生活么?点击以下链接观看:Via below link you could know the real life of Sales100 Trainee:Link我的工作职责是什么?Your responsibilities include but not limited to:经过专业定制的工业技术培训和软性技巧(沟通技巧、工作方法、演讲技巧、谈判技巧、商务知识等)培训课程,发展成为具备较高的自动化、数字化知识的销售工程师After customized technical and skill training(Communication skill, working method, presentation skill, Negotiation skill and Commercial knowledge), the trainees should be developed as Sales Engineer with high competence and knowledge in. automation, digitalization product and system.掌握相关自动化、数字化系列产品、系统知识Master all automation, digitalization product and system portfolio, product and system knowledge. 从技术角度和项目管理方面了解工程项目执行过程。同时,通过培训对产品知识和行业应用有一定的了解Know engineering project execution both on technical aspect and project management. Meanwhile, through training in project, have deep understanding of product application and branch know-how.完成销售支持和配置工作Sales support and configuration了解销售流程、客户管理系统和搭建工作网络Learn sales process, Customer relationship management, and internal network buildup我如何才能胜任?What do I need to qualify for this job?本科或以上学历,电气工程, 自动控制,机电一体化,计算机,工业工程,系统工程等理工科专业的2021年应届毕业生Bachelor or above, graduates in majored in Electrical Engineering, Automation, Mechatronics, Computer Science, Industry Engineering, Systems Engineering and related majors in Science and Engineering are preferred.愿意拥抱变化Willingness to embrace the changes出色的沟通技能Good communication skills快速的学习能力Fast learning ability具有团队合作精神、良好的服务态度Team player, excellent service attitude一定的英语听、说、读、写能力Skilled in English listening, speaking, reading and writing关注客户,以结果和质量为导向Customer focus, result and quality orientation我还需要了解的职位信息?What else do I need to know?数字化工业集团提供端到端的数字化企业业务组 合,实现整个价值链的集成和数字化,并携手合作伙伴,推动过程与离散行业的数字化转型。集团持 续创新,将面向未来的前沿科技不断融入业务组 合。目前,集团在中国拥有8个研发中心,7家工厂 和6个培训中心。Together with partners, Digital Industry drives digital transformation of process and discrete industries with its end-to-end Digital Enterprise portfolio to integrate and digitalize the entire value chain. DI is constantly adding innovations to its portfolio to integrate cutting-edge future technologies. Currently, DI has 8 R&D centers, 7 factories and 6 training centers in China.


西门子股份公司是全球领先的技术企业,170 余年来不断致力于卓越的工程技术、创新、品质、可靠性和国际化发展。公司业务遍及全球,专注于电气化、自动化和数字化领域。 作为***的高效能源和资源节约型技术企业之一,西门子在高效发电和输电解决方案、基 础设施解决方案、工业自动化、驱动和软件解决方案等领域占据领先地位。依托公开上市 的子公司西门子医疗股份公司,西门子也是计算机断层扫描和磁共振成像系统等医疗成像 设备,以及实验室诊断和临床IT 领域领先的技术领导者。 西门子最早在中国开展经营活动可以追溯到1872 年,当时西门子向中国提供了***台指针式电报机,并在19 世纪末交付了中国***台蒸汽发电机以及***辆有轨电车。1985 年,西门子与中国政府签署了全面合作备忘录,成为***家与中国进行深入合作的外国企业。140 余年来,西门子以创新的技术、卓越的解决方案和产品坚持不懈地为中国的发展提供全面支持,并以出众的品质和令人信赖的可靠性、领先的技术成就以及不懈的创新追求,在业界独树一帜。 西门子见证了中国改革开放带来的巨大变化,同时也为中国的改革发展做出了重要贡献。2018 财年(2017 年10 月1 日至2018 年9 月30 日),西门子在中国的总营收达到81亿欧元。西门子在中国拥有超过33000 名员工,中国已成为西门子第二大海外市场。


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