




Demose Hardware Products Co,Ltd, located in Foshan, a significant economic region in China,was established in 1994, with 19 years of experience in stairs and railings. Having passed ISO9001-2008 system, Demose has been being a hardware enterprise specialized in developing, producing and selling staircases, railings, and related accessories, exporting to more than 100 countries and regions, and now is extending his business to canopies, curtain walls, sanitary wares, doors, aluminum windows and relevant hardware products. Now Demose is gradually growing into a mature group which can bring you a completely magic enjoyment. With great capital strength, Demose Hardware Co,Ltd is able to bring in advanced equipments, and employ professional technicians to ensure good quality. Products supplied by Demose are not only of high quality, and but also have a complete range of specification. Various styles are available as well, simple and charming. Products from Demose could be custom-made according to clients’ requirements. Just give us necessary dimensions of buildings, our designers can provide you best designs and we are able to turn your designs into realities! Apart from providing high quality construction hardware, Demose also develops his own culture to improve competitive power and to establish a good social reputation.We believe a great enterprise is the one who attaches the same importance to his employees as his own prospects. Consistently we adhere to the principle“Quality and Customer Come First”. Thank you for your confidence in Demose and for your choosing Demose. Your satisfaction will be our biggest motivation and best support. 狄姆斯五金 创建于1994年,位于中国的重要经济地区——佛山,是一家专业生产楼梯、栏杆和不锈钢配件的国内知名企业。    狄姆斯五金出口60多个国家和地区:芬兰,波兰,法国,德国,英国,爱尔兰,乌克兰,挪威,南斯拉夫,斯洛文尼亚,阿尔巴尼亚,斯洛伐克,荷兰,比利时,意大利,希腊,西班牙,葡萄牙,加勒比,美国,加拿大,墨西哥,巴西,智利,巴拉圭,澳大利亚,新加波,泰国,越南,马来西亚,菲律宾,斯里兰卡,马尔代夫,韩国,日本,俄罗斯,哈萨克斯坦,巴基斯坦,孟加拉国,印度,伊朗,阿富汗,伊拉克,沙特阿拉伯,吉尔吉斯斯坦,阿塞拜疆,土耳其,尼泊尔,叙利亚,黎巴嫩,巴勒斯坦,阿尔及利亚,沙特阿拉伯,安哥拉,加纳,肯尼亚,尼日利亚,南非,毛里求斯等等。    狄姆斯五金全面引进国外先进技术和生产设备,大胆创新,追求卓远;同时,狄姆斯楼梯注重人才的培养和新技术的研发,拥有大批经验丰富、技术全面、高素质的专业人员。 狄姆斯五金系列产品款式新颖、工艺精湛、品种多样、规格齐全,可供客户选样,并可根据不同的需求加工定制。    狄姆斯五金一贯坚持“质量***,用户至上”的原则,产品质量稳定,交货按时按质,全心全意为客户服务,让客户百分百满意。





